Ahh. New year, new possibilities. It’s amazing to think of how much I’ve learned improved in the past year, and I’m excited to see what’s in store for me these next 12 months.
After CIM, I took a few weeks to relax, get fat, spend time with family, and zip off to Mexico. Now, it’s time to get back into gear. In other words, I’m channeling Britney’s her new song “Work B*tch.” :)
It’s also an exciting time for me because I’ve never planned my races so far in advance before. I’m actually becoming a “real runner!” Without further ado, here are the races I hope to plan on dominating the next few months:
Feb 2: Kaiser Permanente Half Marathon
Apr 21: Boston Marathon
Apr 27: Big Sur Marathon Relay
May 18: Bay to Breakers
Jun 21: Grandma’s Marathon (tentative)
Jul 27: SF Marathon – I’m an Ambassador for this event! Use my code DSC10TSFM2014A6 for a $10 discount
After July, it gets a bit hazy. I hope to get into the Chicago Marathon in October, as it’s one of the flattest (read: fastest) courses in America. Also considering the NY Marathon, which is also pretty high up there, drawing some of the speediest runners around the world. My concerns are that it’s so close after Chicago and so close before CIM (which after what happened last year, I’m determined to make a comeback!!!). We shall see. In the meantime, it’s all about focus. Less than 4 weeks until my next race in my stomping grounds: Golden Gate Park and Great Highway!