Pre-Race Jitters and Lessons Learned

Countdown to San Jose 1/2 Marathon: 3 Days I’m feeling sore because I did a Body Pump workout on Tuesday. Why did I strength train the week of my taper? I don’t know. Probably because I’m a newb, and I didn’t know any better. Add that to the list of things to keep in mind for my next race. I know I’ve run some pretty incredible times in the past, […]

Weekly Check-in: October 1

Enjoying that post-Dreamforce, post-run, post-stretch glow

6 days away from my first half marathon in over 2 years 😬 I’m feeling pretty good about my training, but my calf/ankle has been acting up. It all started about a week ago when it started feeling sore. It doesn’t quite hurt, but if I stand on my left leg, I definitely feel like my calf is a bit weak. On Saturday, I planned to run 13 miles, but […]

Foam Rollers, RumbleRollers, and The Stick – Oh My!


There is a world of equipment designed to help relieve sore muscles after a tough workout, so you can loosen up tight muscles, increase blood flow, and boost mobility. This is called myofascial release, a type of self-massage used to apply pressure to certain parts of the body. The almighty foam roller is very helpful at myofascial release, but the it’s not your only option. I currently have 3 tools in my […]

Health is Your True Wealth + Jack Daniels’ Training Plan


I say this every time I get sick, but it always rings true: Health is your true wealth. There’s nothing like not having your health that makes you truly appreciate it. Lately, I’ve been quiet on the blog and all forms of social media, because I’ve been resting in bed. Yup, I’ve been sleeping about 10 hours/night and drinking loads of water to will my body to heal faster. And […]

I’ve Registered for a Half Marathon and a Full Marathon!

Yup, I just registered for a half and a full marathon today. Goodbye, $280! 👋 What’s on my list for this year? The San Jose Rock ‘n Roll Half Marathon on October 7 and the California International Marathon (CIM) on December 2. This is my first marathon since 2016, so I’m nervous to be getting back into the game. I’ve never run the San Jose course before, but the website […]

Marginal Gains

do something great

The secret to improvement isn’t large leaps and bounds; it’s in consistency. And if you’re consistent about marginal gains, they add up faster and larger than you’d believe. I first learned about marginal gains on James Clear’s blog. Definitely check out his blog. His post has changed the way I view progress. As the story goes, in 2010, Dave Brailsford, the GM of Team Sky, one of Great Britain’s professional […]

I got a massage!


Woohoo! Last Thursday, I crossed off #1 from of my July goals and got a massage! I found a certified massage therapist named Marianne Smith located in the heart of downtown San Francisco, near the Powell Bart Station. On my way there, I maneuvered my way between hordes of people, tourists and protesters alike, in the hustle and bustle of Market Street. I rode up the elevator away from the chaos […]

Motivational Monday: Tina Muir, retired elite marathoner


This weekend, I stumbled across Tina Muir, an elite marathoner who ran a 2:36 in the London Marathon. I found her blog and fell into a deep rabbit hole, the kind where you simply can’t get enough. I was hooked. Here was this elite runner who wrote about her races and experiences with a refreshing sense of honesty. She wrote about her races, her journey with improving her nutrition, pre-race […]

Confessions of a tired runner


It’s my 6th week of working out consistently. Yes, it’s already been 6 weeks since I’ve returned from my epic travels to Iceland and Greece! Which, by the way, was where I did no running at all. Week by week, I’ve tweaked my plan and steadily added on the mileage, the frequency of my workouts, and the variety. I’m getting into a nice groove of working out 6x a week […]

Success is not an Accident


I am a creature of habit. I love a good morning routine. I love planning out my week in my Google calendar, and I love to plan and prepare all my meals on Sunday for the week. When others hear about my habits, they often say, “Oh, I could never do that. I enjoy ____ too much.” Or, “I could never do the same thing day after day.” Yes, and […]